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Sunday, 20 November 2011

They will come...

I know, I know... I said I was going to get more updates on here and more regularly, but I just haven't really had the time to review new games, or movies. But looking at getting a few up in the next few weeks. Just been busy getting into the great outdoors and doing something that would be totally alien to most geeks/techies... And that would be exercise! Yes, you heard right. I don't want to be one of those dad's that just sits there and watches his kid running around. I want to be able to chase him and kick a ball around with him etc. So I've decided to increase my fitness by going for runs. The first one went pretty well. Had to stop every few hundred metres to catch my breath, then start again, all up the distance was about 2km or so, and I probably ran a good 90% of that! My aim is to be able to run the whole way around without stopping to catch my breath. So I will be doing more running, and hopefully my body will join the party and I will be able to do it before the end of the year!! So stay tuned to keep up to date with how I am going!! :)

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