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Thursday, 30 June 2011

So here I am...

So I now have a blog. A place to lay out my thoughts, rants, raves, and general mind farts. To be honest, I probably wouldn't have started this if it wasn't for my wife. She's a newbie to the blogging world (as am I), and as she wanted to start one, who better to figure out how to get it looking/feeling the way she wants it than her geek of a husband. So instead of just stealing her computer and doing it all for her, I decided I'd start my own blog, learn how to operate its design features, and then teach my wife. So here I am, blog started, basic editing of layout done.. Time to get my geek on and learn the more advanced stuffs. Now I know there is probably an easy way to go about this, i.e. forums/help posts on how to do it, but what sort of geek would I be if I didn't try to figure it out myself?! So here I go.. Feel free to stay tuned if you like, more posts will follow.... Probably o.O