Hey look! Other pages to oogle at..

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Tasty treats...

Found these lollies in my local supermarket, thought they were pretty cool so had to buy some! Just couldn't resist my inner nerd!!!

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Dead in the water...

Right, so my blog is pretty much dead in the water right now.. Not due to having nothing to blog about, but rather that it's just not very high on my priority list right now. It's hard to find the time to sit down and post something on my blog when I have a very cute baby who has missed his daddy while he's been at work giving me some very cheerful smiles. It's not hard to see that I'd choose spending time hanging with my wee man over posting something up on here. So the blog is pretty boring right now, and will probably stay that way for a while yet as I figure out how to get my time management sorted out a little better. That and getting a little more motivation to do something rather than just vege out once the little guy is in his bassinet asleep at night. And its about more than just finding time to write posts on my blog, its also about reducing the size of the spare tyre that is slowly growing bigger around my gut. I'm not really the type to be worrying about what my gut looks like all that much, but I am the type who knows that it is there because I sit on my butt all day long and don't get any exercise. Which causes another problem, total lack of fitness! It's definitely not a good thing when after climbing only 1 flight of stairs you are already puffing. Especially considering I used to ride the bike legs of triathlons and multisport events (around 80km distance). To go from that to puffing after a flight of stairs is very depressing. I don't want to be one of those dads that when my kid is running about and having loads of fun I'm sitting there puffing after chasing him for only 10 metres! The other major side effect from this is the health problems that come from lack of fitness. They may not have manifested themselves in me yet, other than the getting puffed thing, but I know that if I don't do something about it soon, it probably wont be too long before they do. So yeah, going to have to force myself to get off my ever expanding butt and get some exercise type stuff done.. If anyone out there that actually reads my blog has an ideas please let me know!

So yeah, once I manage to sort myself out, I will get some more reviews up on here, some more posts, and of course some exercise in! So stay tuned, I promise things will get better and that there will be some more interesting posts up on here sometime in the near future!! :D

Friday, 5 August 2011

Freaking awesome dance group!!

No description needed.. Just watch it.. Nuff said!