The latest highly anticipated game release in The Elder Scrolls series has been released.. And how does it stand up to the expectations? Well in my opinion, very well! Now I can't say that I am an Elder Scrolls fanboy, but I have always heard very good things about the series. I used to own a copy of Oblivion, but somewhere along the line the discs went missing before I had a chance to get my teeth into the game. So I have made sure with Skyrim that I have made a decent effort and got a few good hours game play in after getting my hands on a copy. First impressions of the game were good, with a cinematic type intro (rendered using the game engine) where you can look around while it introduces you to the storyline. The graphics of the game would be comparable to Fallout: New Vegas, maybe a bit flashier. The character creation system allows for a decent customization of your character, with several races to choose from.
From here you get a bit of an introduction to the game controls in a semi cinematic player controlled segment. After your introduction to the game, you are then free to start your wandering. Skyrim, like Oblivion of course, is an open world game. You can wander all over the map from the get go. No having to follow the main story line before you can access certain parts of the map. Levelling up your character is pretty simplified compared to other RPG type games (i.e. you don't have to allocate a set number of point to strength, endurance, etc). Instead of this system, it works on more of a skills type system. I want to leave some surprises for you and not spoil everything :)
There are plenty of things to pick up along your travels as you are able to create your own weapons, potions, etc. So among weapons and armour and other essentials you can pickup ingredients and materials. There is plenty to do in this game, so be prepared for it to eat away the hours of the days before you know it. The map is decently expansive and there are plenty of side quests to keep you occupied.
So to the business end of the review.. How good is the game? VERY! is the answer. A must have in the RPG world. I expect to get a very good run out of this game, and the DLC packs that are bound to come in the future. And being available on PC, PS3 & Xbox360, there is no excuse not to get it!! A very solid 5 out of 5 here!
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Game Review: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Sunday, 20 November 2011
They will come...
I know, I know... I said I was going to get more updates on here and more regularly, but I just haven't really had the time to review new games, or movies. But looking at getting a few up in the next few weeks. Just been busy getting into the great outdoors and doing something that would be totally alien to most geeks/techies... And that would be exercise! Yes, you heard right. I don't want to be one of those dad's that just sits there and watches his kid running around. I want to be able to chase him and kick a ball around with him etc. So I've decided to increase my fitness by going for runs. The first one went pretty well. Had to stop every few hundred metres to catch my breath, then start again, all up the distance was about 2km or so, and I probably ran a good 90% of that! My aim is to be able to run the whole way around without stopping to catch my breath. So I will be doing more running, and hopefully my body will join the party and I will be able to do it before the end of the year!! So stay tuned to keep up to date with how I am going!! :)
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
The week that was... well.. no it wasn't!
What have I been up to over the last week? Well.. I have had the flu, yes that nasty virus that likes to make you feel like every inch of your body is bruised, somehow makes your nose both run and be solidly blocked at the same time, and creates a cough powerful enough to dislodge your spleen. Now, yes, I am a male, so that means any flu, cold, or bug I get instantly becomes the man flu. Now, as far as man flu goes, this was on the nastier end of the scale. Now I don't expect any sympathy from people, and don't even really want it. I didn't become bed ridden, I could still do all my own tasks, so not sympathy worthy. Just a right royal pain in my butt!!! The thing I hate most about getting sick is the time off work. I know most people will find this weird. But I do actually enjoy my job and feel bad when anything stops me from working the hours rostered to me. I guess you could call me a bit of a company loyalist, as I take pride in my work and enjoy doing it to the best of my ability. That and I have spent most of my life working in an industry that expects that unless you are physically unable to move you come to work. So it is pretty built into me that I should be at work unless restricted to bed. However, since I now work in an office environment it is now encouraged that you stay away from work when sick so you do not pass it on to others. To me this just doesn't feel right, as I am still perfectly capable of doing the work, I am just sick with the flu. But in saying this I do fully understand that staying away from work is the better option, as making others sick would just put a lot more strain on the workplace. So being at home all week I have just been helping my wife out with our bubba, and just enjoying spending time with my wee man. Hopefully soon I will be able to muster up the will power to do a proper review post or something :)
Sunday, 30 October 2011
The one armed bandit
Turns out my right shoulder needs to be returned for a refund. It decided on Thursday evening, that being good and staying where it should be was over rated, and decided to dislocate itself. Now I could say it was like a scene out of the Lethal Weapon series, but that would be a lie...
So that's exactly what happened... OK, ok.. it wasn't.. It was more along the lines of.. I jumped, and when I landed I had a dislocated shoulder. No dramatic impacts, flying through the air due to an explosion, or fighting with a relentless bad guy. I was stretching my legs and did a big jump, straight up, and when I landed, my shoulder hurt like someone had rammed a red hot poker into it. It really was a very burning type of pain. After walking around for a couple of minutes whilst trying to hold back a torrent of expletives my shoulder decided to play ball again and pop back into place. So a long story short, my arm is in a sling, immobilised as much as possible while it heals. Now being left handed, I can still write quite happily, but there are several other things that I just cant do, or are harder to do.
* Despite being left handed, I normally use my right hand for the mouse, so I have the awkwardness of using the mouse with my left hand, it just doesn't feel right to me.
* Try holding one hand behind you back and typing out a paragraph or two.. Very annoying isn't it?!
* Now, while still holding your hand behind your back, go to the kitchen and make yourself a sandwich.. Not so easy is it?
* There are many other tasks which become a lot harder with just one hand, but the one thing that has been the MOST painful (not physically painful, but mentally) has been not being able to pick up, or hold my 5 1/2 month old son. This is a two-fold pain. First of, I miss the time with my son. Yes I can still hang out with him, and play games and such when he is lying on the floor, or in his bumbo, or bouncer, or jumper. But it's just not the same as holding him. The other part of it is the feeling useless.. I can't do anywhere near as much to help out my wife.And that sucks because it puts so much more stress on her. Luckily we have pretty awesome family and friends who are helping out where they can.
Being like this however, with one arm in a sling, it does make you realise what it is like for people who have to live like this (or similar) permanently. We always take for granted our full able-bodiedness, and never stop to think what it would be like if we lost the use of a limb, or something. Now in no way am I saying we should take pity on people who have, as they are no less of a person than anyone else. More we should appreciate their ability as we would anyone else. They live with what society sees as a dis-ability, but I think in a way they are more able than "fully able-bodied" people because they do tasks that we do, despite any dis-advantages. So I say kudos to those people.
So I go back to see the Doc on Wednesday, and I'm hoping he'll say I can ditch the sling so I can hold my son again and help my wife out!
On a separate note, I am looking at doing a review of RAGE soon, after a few more hours of play, perhaps a post on some techie or game news, so stay tuned people!!
Turns out my right shoulder needs to be returned for a refund. It decided on Thursday evening, that being good and staying where it should be was over rated, and decided to dislocate itself. Now I could say it was like a scene out of the Lethal Weapon series, but that would be a lie...
So that's exactly what happened... OK, ok.. it wasn't.. It was more along the lines of.. I jumped, and when I landed I had a dislocated shoulder. No dramatic impacts, flying through the air due to an explosion, or fighting with a relentless bad guy. I was stretching my legs and did a big jump, straight up, and when I landed, my shoulder hurt like someone had rammed a red hot poker into it. It really was a very burning type of pain. After walking around for a couple of minutes whilst trying to hold back a torrent of expletives my shoulder decided to play ball again and pop back into place. So a long story short, my arm is in a sling, immobilised as much as possible while it heals. Now being left handed, I can still write quite happily, but there are several other things that I just cant do, or are harder to do.
* Despite being left handed, I normally use my right hand for the mouse, so I have the awkwardness of using the mouse with my left hand, it just doesn't feel right to me.
* Try holding one hand behind you back and typing out a paragraph or two.. Very annoying isn't it?!
* Now, while still holding your hand behind your back, go to the kitchen and make yourself a sandwich.. Not so easy is it?
* There are many other tasks which become a lot harder with just one hand, but the one thing that has been the MOST painful (not physically painful, but mentally) has been not being able to pick up, or hold my 5 1/2 month old son. This is a two-fold pain. First of, I miss the time with my son. Yes I can still hang out with him, and play games and such when he is lying on the floor, or in his bumbo, or bouncer, or jumper. But it's just not the same as holding him. The other part of it is the feeling useless.. I can't do anywhere near as much to help out my wife.And that sucks because it puts so much more stress on her. Luckily we have pretty awesome family and friends who are helping out where they can.
Being like this however, with one arm in a sling, it does make you realise what it is like for people who have to live like this (or similar) permanently. We always take for granted our full able-bodiedness, and never stop to think what it would be like if we lost the use of a limb, or something. Now in no way am I saying we should take pity on people who have, as they are no less of a person than anyone else. More we should appreciate their ability as we would anyone else. They live with what society sees as a dis-ability, but I think in a way they are more able than "fully able-bodied" people because they do tasks that we do, despite any dis-advantages. So I say kudos to those people.
So I go back to see the Doc on Wednesday, and I'm hoping he'll say I can ditch the sling so I can hold my son again and help my wife out!
On a separate note, I am looking at doing a review of RAGE soon, after a few more hours of play, perhaps a post on some techie or game news, so stay tuned people!!
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Hey, look, a post!
Soooo... Haven't done much on this at all for a while. But decided I'd redo the layout.. Again..
So now I have a new layout, which is nice and minimal, found the old one just a little bit too dark. So decided I would base the new layout on a linux console. Redid the title banner as well to go with the new layout, again nice and minimilist. I'm hoping I will be able to be a little more active on here, post some more reviews, maybe broaden things a little and post some tech news, or something. I will figure something out, something to fill out the blog a little better, something to give me more reason to blog :D
So this short little post will hopefully be the first of many more to come, and a lot more frequently too lol.
So now I have a new layout, which is nice and minimal, found the old one just a little bit too dark. So decided I would base the new layout on a linux console. Redid the title banner as well to go with the new layout, again nice and minimilist. I'm hoping I will be able to be a little more active on here, post some more reviews, maybe broaden things a little and post some tech news, or something. I will figure something out, something to fill out the blog a little better, something to give me more reason to blog :D
So this short little post will hopefully be the first of many more to come, and a lot more frequently too lol.
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Tasty treats...
Found these lollies in my local supermarket, thought they were pretty cool so had to buy some! Just couldn't resist my inner nerd!!!
Saturday, 27 August 2011
Dead in the water...
Right, so my blog is pretty much dead in the water right now.. Not due to having nothing to blog about, but rather that it's just not very high on my priority list right now. It's hard to find the time to sit down and post something on my blog when I have a very cute baby who has missed his daddy while he's been at work giving me some very cheerful smiles. It's not hard to see that I'd choose spending time hanging with my wee man over posting something up on here. So the blog is pretty boring right now, and will probably stay that way for a while yet as I figure out how to get my time management sorted out a little better. That and getting a little more motivation to do something rather than just vege out once the little guy is in his bassinet asleep at night. And its about more than just finding time to write posts on my blog, its also about reducing the size of the spare tyre that is slowly growing bigger around my gut. I'm not really the type to be worrying about what my gut looks like all that much, but I am the type who knows that it is there because I sit on my butt all day long and don't get any exercise. Which causes another problem, total lack of fitness! It's definitely not a good thing when after climbing only 1 flight of stairs you are already puffing. Especially considering I used to ride the bike legs of triathlons and multisport events (around 80km distance). To go from that to puffing after a flight of stairs is very depressing. I don't want to be one of those dads that when my kid is running about and having loads of fun I'm sitting there puffing after chasing him for only 10 metres! The other major side effect from this is the health problems that come from lack of fitness. They may not have manifested themselves in me yet, other than the getting puffed thing, but I know that if I don't do something about it soon, it probably wont be too long before they do. So yeah, going to have to force myself to get off my ever expanding butt and get some exercise type stuff done.. If anyone out there that actually reads my blog has an ideas please let me know!
So yeah, once I manage to sort myself out, I will get some more reviews up on here, some more posts, and of course some exercise in! So stay tuned, I promise things will get better and that there will be some more interesting posts up on here sometime in the near future!! :D
So yeah, once I manage to sort myself out, I will get some more reviews up on here, some more posts, and of course some exercise in! So stay tuned, I promise things will get better and that there will be some more interesting posts up on here sometime in the near future!! :D
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Simons Cat "Fly Guy" - So very true!
Friday, 5 August 2011
Freaking awesome dance group!!
No description needed.. Just watch it.. Nuff said!
Sunday, 31 July 2011
Game Review: And Yet It Moves (Indie Game)
Well, First off I guess I'd have to say I'm rather liking the outbreak of Indie games at the moment. Indie games tend to have the elements that are normally missing from more mainstream games, which is what makes them so good. Mainstream games are made to cater for the masses, which means certain elements are dumbed down, or left out all together. Indie games are more made because the people who made them are sick of trying to find a game with the elements they want, so they make their own. The main thing that is lacking in mainstream games these days is the gameplay experience. Mainstream games are made so that they are easy to pick up, and play through. I mean who wants a game that actually challenges you? Well, uh, me for one! And that's where this game is excellent! It has all the good side scroller attributes, quirky graphics, run, jump, die, but this game takes it a step further. Spin, that's right, spin the entire world around. Not only is this a neat little twist to the game, but actually required to complete the levels. This game also takes it back to the basics, no big guns, no slashing enemies to bits with big swords, just running, jumping, and spinning the world around. And because there are no flashy other elements in there, the game is solid. The physics are pretty awesome, and the levels nice and challenging.
Each level has it's own unique challenges, be it running away from boulders that are hurtling towards you...
Flying off a swing to get where you need to go...
Or bouncing on trampolines to reach greater heights... Then they go and combine these elements, which can be challenging enough on their own, with having to spin the world around as well. At first it just all seems to trippy, forever spinning the world the wrong way, or just not quite getting it right, which all lead to the same thing...
Death!! But do not fear, you have unlimited lives, and will respawn back at the last save point (marked but a ghostly outline of yourself, who also handily points you in the right direction).
So if you are looking for a game that makes you think outside the box, or just something to pass the time, I think you may well enjoy this game. If you're not sure, just go to the website and download the demo (here) and give it a go. If you like it donate to the creator and get the full copy. Help support these Indie game developers so that we can all continue to enjoy the little gems that they produce. I know I have certainly enjoyed it, and will continue to enjoy it. All up it would be just wrong to not give this game 5 out of 5, it's well built, it delivers, and is just down right fun. GET IT! :-D
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Rockin' it Indiana Jones style |
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Flying off a swing |
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Bouncy bouncy |
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So if you are looking for a game that makes you think outside the box, or just something to pass the time, I think you may well enjoy this game. If you're not sure, just go to the website and download the demo (here) and give it a go. If you like it donate to the creator and get the full copy. Help support these Indie game developers so that we can all continue to enjoy the little gems that they produce. I know I have certainly enjoyed it, and will continue to enjoy it. All up it would be just wrong to not give this game 5 out of 5, it's well built, it delivers, and is just down right fun. GET IT! :-D
Sunday, 24 July 2011
How to deactivate your cat.. o.O
Ok, saw this video, and thought it was just brilliant!! Anyone who knows me will know that I will be wanting to try this on my cat, if the vet in the video is doing it, it must be safe :-D hehehe
Saturday, 23 July 2011
This, that, and the other
So, it seems that working a full time job (shift work), and looking after a baby when not working leaves very little time for keeping up with things on the interwebs. I'm sure I could manage to keep up with things if I could muster the energy to be bothered, but that all seems just a little bit too much like hard work! Now some might say I'm being lazy, that I should be getting off my ass and doing stuff. To be honest though, all I have to say to them is "meh" lol, I just don't find this stuff on the interwebs as being anywhere near as important as hanging out with my bubs. Even when I'm not holding bubs and am free to do stuff, I'd still rather blob and watch they telly. I'm on computers all day at work, getting on them again at home just doesn't seem like fun at all! Even my xbox360 is feeling rather neglected. But it all just seems rather pointless and not worth the effort right now. My son is all consuming in my mind, I miss out on everything he is doing while I am at work, so feel stink when not paying full attention to him when I am home. It just seems all so weird, cos I love playing games on my xbox, I love messing round with geeky or techie programs on my laptop, or reading up on the latest tech. But all of that takes a back seat when I am around my son, no matter what mood I am in. Now I spent a few hour playing round on my lappy the other day, while staying up late after my wife and son had gone to bed (preparing for a run of night shifts), but I couldn't focus on anything for long. I ended up flicking my focus between reading tech & funnies websites on my lappy and watching worlds dumbest and history docos on TV. I didn't even feel like flicking my xbox on. I know both my wife and son were in bed, but even though they were sleeping, I still just wanted to go hang out with them even though I knew if I went to bed I wouldn't have made it through my nightshift awake. Now falling asleep at work isn't really the best option, considering my job has a fair amount of importance to it (for some reason national communications infrastructure is pretty important) so I forced myself to stay up and even though I was rather bored (despite having a wealth of techie and geeky things I could have been doing) I really just couldn't be bothered. I know all the geeks and techies out there probably want to lock me in the stocks and hurl rotten produce at me for letting the team down, but sorry guys, family wins over techie, family wins over geek. And hey, it's not all that bad really, I get to be a kid all over again when having play time with my son!! And when he's older I can enjoy him handing me my ass on a platter on the xbox, having him school me on all the new tech coming out, and having him prove me wrong about some scientific thing. Yes you heard me right, I am looking forward to my son being smarter than me, being better at games than me, and just owning me at anything we do together. But that's one of the best things of fatherhood, not just passing your knowledge on to your kids, but teaching them how to be better. So really, in the grand scheme of things, I am doing right by the geek and techie team, as I am teaching a future uber-geek, uber-techie all he needs to know!
Monday, 11 July 2011
Tech Review: Quickheal for Android
Recently I got given the chance to try out the Quickheal Security Android application. For those that don't know what Quickheal is, go HERE for NZ, or HERE for International. First impressions of this app were very good, very slick interface, very intuitive design. So I signed up for my trial, which was very easy and hassle free to do via the internet from my phone. To check the system overheads I ran a benchmark before installing, and after installing, and found no difference in the benchmarks, which means no noticeable system overhead. Installed some apps, and no lag. Checked the task manager, and yup, Quickheal is still sitting there, doing its thing. Now as I have it loaded on my phone I use everyday, unfortunately I can't deliberately go to a rogue website, or try install something that I know has a virus (in case things don't go well). Although I trust that Quickheal will keep me safe, I don't trust me to not do something stupid and have to reload all the firmware back onto my phone. From what I've been able to test, this app has done it's job well, and had no noticeable effect on phone performance. All round good app, look forward to its release. 5 out of 5!
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Is Facebook's time in the limelight over?
Today I managed to get access to the newest of social networking sites, Google+. I spent the night checking out the features and getting used to everything, and I must say, me like! It has a nice clean interface, and so far no annoying ads. The idea of having circles of friends is very good, instead of everyone seeing everything you post (like on Facebook), you can choose which circles can see the post, or can can have just certain friends see the post. You can download all of your posts, photos, and other such data in .zip files. The Sparks feature allows you to keep an eye on the latest info from around the web on chosen topics, you can then easily share any of the posts you read in there with your friends. It has Google chat integrated, so you can chat with friends, or even circles of friends. You can also "Hang Out" with friends, which is a live session with video (if you have a webcam) and sound (if you have a mic you can speak over it) or just plain old text. You can choose a youtube video to watch, and all your friends can watch it with you. Everything works so smoothly and unlike Facebook, it has very transparent, and easy to understand privacy settings. For those with Android phones, you can download the app, and use Google+ from your phone. The phone app has a wonderful interface, very easy to use, and very well designed. You can "Hang Out" as well via mobile. So if you can get yourself access to the trial, or even when it finally goes live, join up, and enjoy!
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Game Review: Borderlands
Oh where to start... I think the first point of difference for this game is the graphics. Yes it is in the typical 1st person shooter layout, but its the textures that set it apart, comic book style textures. The comic book style of the game and the very 'Red-neck' theme make it stand out quite a bit from other similar titles. The narrative is fantastic with great voices, and a twisted storyline.
The choice of a few main characters means that there is replayability in the game, as you can play through with each character to have a different experience as each character has a different skillset. The addition of a 2nd playthrough allows you to play through the game again, with your levelled up character, but with much harder enemies, yet again adding to the replayability.
Another great feature is the fact that every item on the game is completely random.
The game uses a random item generator that means every weapon you pick up will have a different make up to the next, meaning you can ALWAYS be on the hunt for a better gun. Then comes the addons, with extra missions, that are also available on a 1st or 2nd playthrough. The control layout is similar to most other FPS games out there so fairly easy to pick up the controls. You can level your character up with different skills, and powerups for those skills.
Multiplayer is mainly focussed on co-op play, but you can enter arenas and take on other players head to head etc. The storyline is pretty much linear, as with almost all FPS games, but there are still plenty of side missions to do. All in all a fantastic game with plenty of replayability, carnage, unique style, and heaps of fun. One to add to the collection if you haven't already. A solid 5 out of 5.
Monday, 4 July 2011
A blog in the hand is worth two on the lap...
For those Android users out there, check out the official app on android market.
Sent from my Samsung Android mobile.
Something to tickle your funny buds
Just a few funny pics to put a smile on your face. I found these all over the place from several sites.
Song Lyrics: Stan the Man - Adam Sandler
Born in 1935 in Brooklyn, New York
The son of Anna and Phil
At 19 years old he married my mother Judy
And immediately paid his first Bloomingdale's bill
Right away they started on a family
Three smart kids popped out of Mom's tummy
But then one steamy night Dad forgot to wear his raincoat
Nine months later out came the dummy
But he…took care... of me
Oh, Stan the Man was my hero
The coolest guy ever I swear
He stayed up all night making me a clay volcano
That's how I won the science fair
He was 6 foot 2 and 250 pounds
And as sweet as he was strong
He was also known to be pretty well-endowed
But, believe me, he didn't pass that one along
His favorite singers were Leon Redbone and Johnny Cash
His favorite ballplayers were Koufax and Mickey
His favorite restaurant was the Stage Delicatessan
His favorite movie was Little Nicky
(Sorry G-dfather 1 and 2... maybe next time)
Yeah, Stan the Man was my hero
With a golf swing that made men cry
He'd take their money and put it in his top dresser drawer
Then I'd steal it so I could get high
But he…beat that habit…out of me…
So, Dad, thanks for letting me stay up late to watch Johnny Carson
Thanks for coaching all our games at Livingston Park
Thanks for telling me to always punch a kid in the face
If he made an anti-Semitic remark
Yeah, and don't worry about Mom we'll always look after her
Me, Scott, Val, Liz and the grandkids
And when Jackie and I have children of our own
We'll try to raise them just the way you did.
So say "hi" to both my grandmas and grandpas
Tell my dog Meatball I miss him so
But most importantly, Dad, take advantage of being in heaven
And go bang Marilyn Monroe
Mom said…it's cool…just wear a raincoat…
Oh, Stan the Man was my hero
Still is and always will be
'Cause he didn't give too much a crap about nothin'
Except loving his family
Whoa, Stan…the Man…is gone…but will always live on…
The son of Anna and Phil
At 19 years old he married my mother Judy
And immediately paid his first Bloomingdale's bill
Right away they started on a family
Three smart kids popped out of Mom's tummy
But then one steamy night Dad forgot to wear his raincoat
Nine months later out came the dummy
But he…took care... of me
Oh, Stan the Man was my hero
The coolest guy ever I swear
He stayed up all night making me a clay volcano
That's how I won the science fair
He was 6 foot 2 and 250 pounds
And as sweet as he was strong
He was also known to be pretty well-endowed
But, believe me, he didn't pass that one along
His favorite singers were Leon Redbone and Johnny Cash
His favorite ballplayers were Koufax and Mickey
His favorite restaurant was the Stage Delicatessan
His favorite movie was Little Nicky
(Sorry G-dfather 1 and 2... maybe next time)
Yeah, Stan the Man was my hero
With a golf swing that made men cry
He'd take their money and put it in his top dresser drawer
Then I'd steal it so I could get high
But he…beat that habit…out of me…
So, Dad, thanks for letting me stay up late to watch Johnny Carson
Thanks for coaching all our games at Livingston Park
Thanks for telling me to always punch a kid in the face
If he made an anti-Semitic remark
Yeah, and don't worry about Mom we'll always look after her
Me, Scott, Val, Liz and the grandkids
And when Jackie and I have children of our own
We'll try to raise them just the way you did.
So say "hi" to both my grandmas and grandpas
Tell my dog Meatball I miss him so
But most importantly, Dad, take advantage of being in heaven
And go bang Marilyn Monroe
Mom said…it's cool…just wear a raincoat…
Oh, Stan the Man was my hero
Still is and always will be
'Cause he didn't give too much a crap about nothin'
Except loving his family
Whoa, Stan…the Man…is gone…but will always live on…
I love the lyrics that are in this song tribute from Adam Sandler to his Dad. Adam Sandler just seems to have a way of putting things.
Sunday, 3 July 2011
Reviews, reviews everywhere....
Reviews, reviews everywhere.... And not an expert in sight.
Just thought I'd let people know that my reviews are not intended to be expert opinions, but just purely and simply my thoughts on the topic. I'm not expecting people to use my reviews as a base to make decisions on, but would be pretty stoked if someone thought my opinions meant enough to them that they did. The only real reason I am doing these reviews is that I like to express my opinions, and whether people agree or not, I can do that here. If you have a differing opinion on something I have posted here, I welcome the feedback, but be aware, any nasty comments, flaming etc. will be deleted. This blog will not solely be reviews, you can expect ranting and raving, mind farts, funny posts, and so on. So stay tuned, as I will be adding more as time allows (being a new daddy is very time consuming)!
Keep it real people, and keep on keeping on!
And remember... "Do or do not. There is no try" - Master Yoda
Just thought I'd let people know that my reviews are not intended to be expert opinions, but just purely and simply my thoughts on the topic. I'm not expecting people to use my reviews as a base to make decisions on, but would be pretty stoked if someone thought my opinions meant enough to them that they did. The only real reason I am doing these reviews is that I like to express my opinions, and whether people agree or not, I can do that here. If you have a differing opinion on something I have posted here, I welcome the feedback, but be aware, any nasty comments, flaming etc. will be deleted. This blog will not solely be reviews, you can expect ranting and raving, mind farts, funny posts, and so on. So stay tuned, as I will be adding more as time allows (being a new daddy is very time consuming)!
Keep it real people, and keep on keeping on!
And remember... "Do or do not. There is no try" - Master Yoda
Tech Review: Samsung Galaxy 3 (GT-I5800)

The little phone that could!
This little beasty has nothing on it's more advanced siblings the Samsung Galaxy S & Galaxy S II, but bang for buck it isn't bad at all. On the latest firmware (XXJPQ) the phone is nice and smooth for basic operations. It struggles a bit when you start to do things like play angry birds, but it is still quite playable. It's 3.2" touch-screen display is big enough so that even people with bigger fingers (like myself) can use the soft keyboard. Wi-fi support is good with 802.11b/g/n standards and supports WPA2 security. The 3.2MP camera does a decent job at taking pictures (better quality than most phones I've used). About it's only downsides are the small amount of RAM (256MB), slightly low resolution on the screen (240x400), and use of the rfs file system. So as a stock 'smartphone' is does a pretty good job for its price range (Would give it a 3 out of 5). But the real magic comes when you load a custom firmware (ROM), kernel, change the file system, employ some better drivers for the GPU and sound, and overclock the CPU... Now some people would probably stop about here and just say no thanks, would rather keep my factory warranty. But that's the beauty of it. Unless hardware fails on you device while you have custom firmware loaded, your factory warranty is never at risk. So feel free to play around with different ROMs, kernels, and configurations. If you follow the instructions supplied, you can always roll it all back to stock factory settings very easily.
My one of these has the following setup:
CPU: Overclocked upto 800MHz using an 'on-demand' governer
GPU: Chainfire3D GPU drivers
Sound: Voodoo sound drivers
File System: ext2 & ext4
I am currently waiting on the latest release of the Kyrillo's ROM (v6.0) which will allow overclocking up to 1366MHz (depending on what each individual phone is capable of going up to).
After tweaking the phone with these simple and relatively easy upgrades, you can turn a cheap, average device into something that is fighting well above it's weight. But what about battery life?! Surely you'd expect higher CPU speeds etc. would cause more drain on the battery. Surprisingly, battery life is barely affected by this, losing maybe 1 hour of battery life under normal use (and using a smart governor). So after tweaking the phone just a little (maybe 2 hours of loading firmware/kernels etc, and waiting for reboots) and you turn a device that I would give 3 out of 5, into one I would give 5 out of 5 (just because of price compared to features after tweaking).
Samsung Galaxy 3 specs
Friday, 1 July 2011
Movie Review: Machete
First off, this review will be biased. I LOVE Robert Rodriguez movies. And this one definitely has his signature on it. It has the typical Rodriguez blood splatters, and deliberate over the top action sequences. As usual he manages to pull together an all star cast, fronted by Danny Trejo as Machete. The movie follows Machete, as he tries to start a new life in the US after his entire family is killed in Mexico. He ends up getting caught up in a scandal involving an old nemesis from back in Mexico. And the story goes on from there. The action scenes are well done, with plenty of gore and big guns, and of course, machetes. A must see for Rodriguez fans, or for anyone that just enjoys a good old fashioned action movie. Of course I am going to give this movie 5 out of 5, but all said, I think it actually deserves all 5! (Click movie image to see IMDB listing)
Game Review: Portal 2
Having not played Portal, I didn't really know what to expect from this game. And I guess that's what made the game pleasantly refreshing. I found it very fun playing a game that didn't involve big guns, but still managed to keep the action up. The game style was very good, having a good combination of challenge, playability, and catchy storyline. The challenge came in the form of having to figure out what to do to pass the level. Playability in the form of easy controls, and a simple tool-set to work with. Now the storyline I found the best, nothing like a completely narcissistic megalomaniac robot, with a penchant for testing, providing a great narrative the whole way through. All in all, not a bad game at all, only problem being that it is not really the type of game you can play over and over, the storyline is completely linear, and fairly short compared to most games. So my recommendation would be to hire it rather than buy it, but a must play game.
All in all, a solid 4 out of 5 for this one.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
So here I am...
So I now have a blog. A place to lay out my thoughts, rants, raves, and general mind farts. To be honest, I probably wouldn't have started this if it wasn't for my wife. She's a newbie to the blogging world (as am I), and as she wanted to start one, who better to figure out how to get it looking/feeling the way she wants it than her geek of a husband. So instead of just stealing her computer and doing it all for her, I decided I'd start my own blog, learn how to operate its design features, and then teach my wife. So here I am, blog started, basic editing of layout done.. Time to get my geek on and learn the more advanced stuffs. Now I know there is probably an easy way to go about this, i.e. forums/help posts on how to do it, but what sort of geek would I be if I didn't try to figure it out myself?! So here I go.. Feel free to stay tuned if you like, more posts will follow.... Probably o.O
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